
Adam Draward

Current bid:

$27,500 CAD / $20,585 USD

Modified 1993 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T

For auction is a remarkable 1993 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T, now US legal. This particular R33 has a VIN of ECR33-008450 and has been in the seller’s possession since 2009. The exterior of this R33 is finished in striking Black (KH3 Nissan black), which was professionally applied in late 2014 to both the car body and the engine bay. The seller has included a CarVx report from its time spent in Japan and it shows no history of any accidents or odometer rollback. For US bidders, this R33 GTS-T is directly importable without modification as it is EPA & DOT exempt being greater than 25 years old. For more information on transport in Canada/USA and Import, please visit our Transport/Import page here.