
June 2, 2024

Three Hills Cruise Weekend Show and Shine 2024

The first of every month can be a time of anxiety for many, but for thousands of car enthusiasts and hundreds of specialty automobile owners, June 1st, 2024, was a day of excitement and joy. Every spring, the Three Hills Cruise Weekend draws enthusiasts from across Alberta to the small town of Three Hills, featuring a large show and shine, drag racing, and a cruise night. This weekend offers fun for every type of enthusiast, whether they're admiring these works of art shining or watching them speed down the track.

@beaters_are_better and his son displayed their character filled classics during the Three Hills Show and Shine
@beaters_are_better and his son displayed their character filled classics during the Three Hills Show and Shine

I arrived in the town of Three Hills, Alberta, early on the morning of June 1st, 2024. Due to prior engagements, I could only stay for a short time at the show and shine this year. Despite this, I had the opportunity to tour the nearly kilometre-long stretch of show cars displayed throughout the town. I was awestruck by the beautifully restored vehicles and the incredible survivors attending the event.

An artist took to drawing vehicles being displayed during the event
An artist took to drawing vehicles being displayed during the event

The show and shine was larger than in previous years, adding approximately a full town block's worth of automobiles. Along with the increase in vehicles, there was a notable variation in the types of cars compared to the previous year. Some I had seen at other events outside of Three Hills, while others were completely new to me, having never encountered them at other shows or events.

The streets were lined with cars and filled with onlookers
The streets were lined with cars and filled with onlookers

Despite my short visit to the town, I was presented with an incredible variety of vehicles that stretched across Three Hills. Spanning a kilometre of roadways, an overwhelming number of nearly 650 cars were showcased, making the event an absolute success and beloved by all attendees. I have already begun counting the days until next year!

A trio of high performance drag cars on display together, the first time the three have shared the light at a show in many years
A trio of high performance drag cars on display together, the first time the three have shared the light at a show in many years

Until the next time I see you guys, get wrenching, get driving, and keep these classics alive!

- Kyle Hanger of Searching for Classics