
June 26, 2024

Beiseker Show & Shine 2024

On June 28, 2024, the 18th annual Beiseker Show & Shine was in full swing. This event showcases a unique blend of collector cars each year, offering a fresh selection for attendees to enjoy. It coincides with the family-friendly Beiseker Lions Country Fair, which takes place throughout the town.

Start of the Parade
Start of the Parade

The Beiseker Show & Shine is set against the backdrop of the village’s community gardens. Sponsored by the renowned local restoration shop, Heighton Auto Restorations, all proceeds from the event go to a local charity in the Beiseker area.

Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine
Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine

The Show & Shine was held alongside the Beiseker Lions Country Fair, featuring a family-friendly parade that toured the small village of Beiseker. The community event was filled with activities for children and various attractions, allowing attendees to explore and learn about Beiseker’s vibrant history.

Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine
Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine

The show attracted nearly one hundred unique automobiles from around the Alberta Prairies to the small village. From a turbocharged straight-six Camaro to a camping-spec Oldsmobile Omega, this event showcased a true variety of classic cars!

Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine
Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine

Beiseker's 18th annual Show & Shine was a shining success, triumphing over the impending storm on the horizon. With approximately 100 cars in attendance, a parade, and numerous fun activities throughout the village, this year's event was a smashing success.

Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine|
Overhead of the Beiseker Show & Shine

Until the next time I see you guys, get wrenching, get driving, and keep these classics alive!

- Kyle Hanger of Searching for Classics