
July 16, 2024

Carseland Lions Club Show and Shine 2024

On June 22, 2024, the town of Carseland, Alberta, hosted its annual “Aggie Days” weekend event. Complementing the Aggie Days celebration was the local Lions Club Annual Show and Shine, which experienced significant growth thanks to a dedicated local resident. This individual's efforts expanded attendance nearly fourfold compared to previous years, creating a captivating experience for all.

55 Chevy among the dozens of classic cars in attendance
55 Chevy among the dozens of classic cars in attendance

The Carseland Lions Club has traditionally held its annual Show and Shine in conjunction with the town’s Aggie Days weekend. The event takes place in the Carseland Community Centre field, which typically hosted around thirty collector cars in past years. However, 2023 and 2024 saw a remarkable increase in attendance, with the number of vehicles rising to approximately eighty in 2023 and soaring to over 121 collector cars in 2024.

Tractor getting ready for the upcoming tractor pull event
Tractor getting ready for the upcoming tractor pull event

The large crowd marveled at the shimmering cars spread across the field. The car show was not the only attraction; during the event, a parade circled the community centre block, providing a spectacle for all spectators.

Looking through the many rows of cars on display|
Looking through the many rows of cars on display

The Carseland Lions Club Show and Shine, held alongside the Carseland Aggie Days, was a resounding success. With an attendance increase of over fifty percent from the previous year, the event was brimming with collector cars, activities, and a parade for all to enjoy. This event is a must-see for future attendees, as it promises continued growth year after year. The anticipation for next year is already building!

A snippet of the parade that was going on throughout the day
Looking through the many rows of cars on display

Until the next time I see you guys, get wrenching, get driving, and keep these classics alive!

- Kyle Hanger of Searching for Classics